Our Services
Vegetable Production
Sözler Agriculture produces tomatoes, seed corn, seed sunflower, aubergine and seed watermelon on the wetlands owned by the company, and also makes contracted production, getting raw tomatoes and exporting them as dried tomatoes after the necessary procedures.
Machinery Maintenance and Repair
Plants the various seed plants and detassels corns by means of its Agricultural machines. In addition, takes on the utilization, maintenance and reparation of sowing and harvesting machinery.
Food of Animal Origin and Production
Sözler Agriculture collects milk and caters for breeders in terms of food of animal origin. Moreover, Sözler markets feed and legumes in increasing amounts, franchising Turkey’s well-known and trusted products and serving up to breeders’ homes via its service network.
Fertilizer and Certified Seed Sales
Sözler Agriculture provides the sales of underground, above-ground, liquid and smart fertilizers. Together with this, Sözler is also the distributor of various fertilizer companies’ products, and carries out trials on the owned cultivation area.
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Information Bank
Agriculture in Bergama

Bergama (Pergamon) has an important place in terms of Agriculture in the Aegean Region due to olive and cotton. 45.396
Read More: Agriculture in Bergama